Ruff Edges Salon is an appointment only spa
Bath & Blowdry
All Baths Include:
- Total blow dry by hand w/ happy hoodie to protect the ears (no heated cage dryers here)
- Brush and/or Shed treatment (depending on dog type and needs)
- Nails trimmed and filed (if dog permits)
- Teeth brushed (if dog permits)
- Ears cleaned
Prices Start At:
Base pricing: $55
*Starting with small short-haired dogs.
Doodle Pricing: this varies greatly based on size of the doodle the type of coat and ability to maintain the coat. All of their coats are very different and require different amount of maintenance and care.

Bath & Trim
All Trims Include:
Trims include everything in the Bath section with an added Face trim, Feet trim, and keeping those hygienic areas clean.
Ear hair plucking: this service depends on client request but also ear health.

Bath & Haircut
All Haircuts Include:
Haircuts include everything in the bath section. Our staff can accommodate any style breed standard to any thing custom.
Prices Start At:
*Starting with small dogs.
Doodle Pricing: this varies greatly based on size of the doodle the type of coat and ability to maintain the coat. All of their coats are very different and require different amount of maintenance and care.
Cats will only be bathed if medically necessary.

Walk-in Services
A La Carte
- Nails clipped and filled
- Quick face and butt trim
- Soft paws to cover nails on cats and dogs; please call to ask questions.